10 Days P.T.

Past Papers and Techniques - CSEC Principles of Accounts

Review the relevant topics as outlined by CXC, with special emphasis on the examiner's reports in previous years.
"Strive for Excellence".

What's included?

  • 10 Live Sessions
  • Past Paper Questions and Answers
  • Expert Technical Guidance
  • Examination Tips
  • Flash Cards


You will learn techniques that will help you navigate the exam with confidence.

Hard work has its reward. You can do this!
Meet the instructor

Germaine Raymond

Germaine Raymond has been a secondary school teacher for over 20 years and has been part of the CXC marking team for about 17 years. Her experience and insights lend to this course being exciting, impactful and a roadmap to success. She encourages you to put your best foot forward as you embark on this journey, to take advantage of the advice given in each lesson and to "Strive for Excellence".
Germaine Raymond - Course author
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